Top 10 AR and VR Technology Trends You Would Love
Today Virtual and augmented reality has started to take their place in each industry.
As everything around us has been modernized and every field has improved a lot in terms of technological advances.
Extended reality is the area that has taken virtual and augmented reality to lift off.
But before we dig into VR/AR technology trends let us take a look around at what VR and AR primarily mean.
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are two different terms that are actually easy to understand but often made complicated.
The power of VR is actually within the view that locks your outer surrounding with a VR headset.
So whatever you experience in VR is actually through a headset that completely takes your vision to another world.
VR creates a computer-generated environment that makes any objects appear to be real but it all happens only within your vision.
Augment Reality, on the other hand, is commonly accessed via mobile phone devices and it may include smart glasses as well to track your surroundings with cameras.
It is both a combination of real and virtual worlds that adds more to virtual reality.
In AR, our own world becomes the framework that includes vision, hearing, and even the sense of smell or touch.
Therefore, augmented reality in essence occurs through the integration of immersive sensations that are perceived as natural.
And the best thing about AR is, it is independent of the headset and head-mounted display.
The 10 Best Augmented and Virtual Reality Trends You Would Love To Try
Now that you know what AR and VR mean let’s take a look at the popular trends of VR and AR in the real world.
Check out these augmented and virtual reality technology trends that impact our daily lives.
1. Augmented and Virtual Reality Glasses
An augmented reality glass is also known as smart glass. These are sometimes called wearable computer glasses that can change their optical properties.
They are programmed to alter the color by electronic means based on the amount of sunlight and exposure.
And have the capability to project digital images utilizing cellular technology or wi-fi.
They are capable of performing all the activities of a smartphone.
An AR/VR glass can also support wireless technologies such as GPS and Bluetooth.
All the commands are hands-free. Communication with the Internet is done through voice commands, while other gadgets use touch buttons.
2. AR Workout
After a tiring workout, any cyclist or a runner would tell you that the indoor version of the workout inside the gym can never match the natural and pleasant ambiance.
Some organizations such as Strava and Peloton offer AR experiences through screens that show different areas, places, and events.
Other runner exercise apps like ‘Zombies run!’ already provide a gamified AR experience through audio and visual effects.
Currently, they are working on bringing such effects in real-time objects such as cars and bikes, including the speed and distance.
It’s not only for runners and trekkers; Even the gyms may use it to assist their customers with a more realistic experience by providing AR training classes.
3. AR in a Car
Have you ever imagined getting directions or real-time GPS assistance about the traffic and the road conditions directly in the line of your sight?
You would have possibly seen something like that in a heads-up display (HUD), but AR can make much more data in a process that allows drivers to have their eyes on the road.
Further, it’s also said that AR might even do its part in the rear-view mirror spotting vehicles projected in the glass to prevent accidents.
While these safety features put many drivers at peace.
Another opportunity also exists to share drivers’ information about the city they’re traveling through, features, places, and even the accommodation’s standard information such as food and lodging.
It would be nothing but a road trip with a lesson in geology, geography, or even history while you’re driving.
4. The AR Shopping Experience
Some of you may feel irritated to go out shopping.
But at the same, you might be interested to know more about the recent trends in the fashion industry.
Many retail chains have chosen to use their smartphones to know more about stocks and other relevant choices.
Wearable AR devices would allow the shopkeepers to share the details and notifications about the recent arrivals and deliver a customized shopping experience to the customer.
5. AR in the Classroom
An AR device is the perfect fit for future classrooms. It makes education simple as well as interesting.
An AR device or program scans the study materials like textbooks and worksheets to provide additional knowledge and resources for students using their own terms.
Interactive activities and puzzles can be created to strengthen crucial concepts and assist students in learning more efficiently.
Technology helps students with inabilities to overcome their challenges and difficulties.
6. VR Escape Rooms
Nowadays VR escape rooms have started to attract many audiences due to their unique and interactive experiences.
A VR escape room helps in experiencing impossible and unrealistic events with real emotions and feelings. It can assist in providing nail-biting and thrilling moments such as jumping from a multi-storeyed building.
VR rooms are capable of offering a better experience than live escape rooms.
7. VR Classrooms
When we were kids, we all would find it very difficult to get up early in the morning to go to school.
We found it to be very boring. Schools in those days lacked a lot of things that the kids enjoy today.
Smartboards were the first thing to thrill the students.
The video lessons helped in understanding the concepts more effectively.
VR experiences can do more. It can help in taking the kids to a different world and make education more interesting.
8. Virtual Sports Events
The emerging VR technology has paved the way to enjoy sports events with all its originality and thrill in your home’s comfort.
During this Covid-19 pandemic, the NBA and Olympic games were canceled.
It is better to use a VR league pass that gives the fans a chance to dive into the ground and enjoy the old matches in VR.
9. Virtual Reality Treatment
VR technology is used in the medical field to treat patients with psychological disturbances.
It helps in giving them pleasant memories and helps in treating different kinds of phobias.
Sometimes it is also used to regain the memory of patients who have lost their minds in an accident.
VRT or virtual reality therapy usually provides stimuli for patients who have difficulty imagining scenes to experience real-life situations.
10. VR Gaming
Everyone loves to play games. We feel ourselves to be a hero while shooting our enemies.
But have you ever imagined yourselves on the battlefield?
A VR glass would offer you such experiences.
It gives a real touch to impossible circumstances.
It would help you feel every single thing that a real fighter would face in a war.
VR gaming is fascinating to experience controlling the movement of your body with virtual objects in the game.
Wrap Up:
The above trends are a small fraction of what VR and AR technology has brought to our life.
But there are many more trends and some are yet to come in the near future.
And what’s is more important about VR and AR technology today is business that has taken marketers and retailers by storm.
These technologies are already transforming the way businesses are seeking ways and mean to implement VR and AR to draw customer attention, satisfaction, and retention.
VR greatly influences buyers’ behavior because it is used as a tool by businesses to leverage their products in the buyer’s journey.
And AR is already being used by social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok which are popularly known as AR filters.
Retailers have started implementing these AR Filters in their stores to visualize their products for a better customer experience and to increase sales.
So these cutting-edge technologies will completely disrupt retail and other businesses in the coming years.
And shoppers can have enjoyable, seamless, and best buying experiences.